Thursday 7 March 2013

Leg 2 - Finally got out of Dubai

I'm writing this from memory so I might just forget the odd thing

So me gets on the plane eventually after attempting to sleep at the airport. Because this wasn't my allocated flight they chose my seat for me. I was stuck in the arse if the plane in the middle seat of the left section. I was in between a doctor and a scouse woman.
My intention was to sleep through the whole bastard 14 hour flight. But I couldn't because my seat was broken. It wouldn't lean back. Evetytime I tried to sleep it felt like I was leaning forward. They had no extra seats because the earlier flight from Manchester was delayed too and had over flow from that. Emirates can expect a letter with the odd choice words.

So with my inability to sleep I watched The Dark Knight Rises.... 3 times. Damn that film is good.

I think i did get some sleep. Until the dreaded "if there is a doctor on board announcement..." because the guy who had the window seat actually was a doctor and bloody woke me up.

Oh the landing was fun. The pilot kept free falling! When we did land we had to wait for the ambulance service yo come and get the guy!


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